What we look at is what we invest ourselves in, are we looking at Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, the truth, the way and the life.
Are we looking at circumstances that seem to grow the more we look.
Are we looking at others, are we looking at ourselves.

Recently I spent too much time look at my circumstances, my disappointments, my failures to the point I felt very inadequate to be who God has
called me to be and do what he has called me to do, why when he has promised me he would be there every step of the way,
I spent time looking at myself instead of him, looking at my own limitations, my limited abilities instead of his infinite abilities.

Too much time looking at the wrong things brings us to a place of defeat, we feel like we are surround by hurdles that we can’t jump over, walls that we can’t knock down
and Mountains we can’t climb and yet when I saw the error of my ways and I turned to look into the eyes of my ever loving Father those hurdles didn’t seem so big
those walls didn’t looks so thick and those mountains didn’t look so high, it’s only when you can look into the face of God and tell him you trust him anyway.
I trust you God anyway, my situations is desperate but I trust you anyway, my health is not good but I trust you anyway, my family don’t believe in you but I trust you anyway,
I don’t know how I’m going to feed my family but I trust you anyway, I trust you anyway.

Why? Because you are God, you know the bigger picture, you love me with condition, You see the end from the beginning, I trust you anyway, I love you anyway.
He is always with you in the desperate place or in the place of victory.
He is trust worthy. I look back and he was always there, from my very beginning he was there.
I look back and see every place he has bought me into victory, seen every mountain he has help me scale and every valley he has helped me cross.

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