Oneness in Marriage

Oneness in Marriage is how God designed it. Bringing two people together with two different agendas, with two different back grounds is a miracle in itself but God doesn’t want us to settle for life of mediocre in marriage, he wants us to have an amazing united indescribable marriage where there is oneness and wholeness, this is only achieved as the two people move closer to God as they are moving closer to God they move closer together.

It has been described like a triangle, God is at the top and we are each in our corner and as we move along the sides toward the top to be closer to God the distance between each other is getting less and less. I like that illustration I have to say it is true in my life so I can testify to the truth in this illustration.

I don’t want an mediocre marriage I want an amazing marriage in which people can see the Goodness of my God and the love we share, and want that for themselves.

I know that God has showed me I need to put Dan first above everything but God himself, and since I have been mindful to do so, God has enriched our relationship and our love for each other has grown, I am thankful for the truths God has shown me.

He can do the same for you if you only ask and listen for the answer.  I look forward to the next decade of my marriage being better then my first and gee the first ten years have been great, I have a lot to look forward too.

God’s is extravagant

God is extravagant, His love endures, His goodness and mercies follow me, he cares about all the details in my life yet He is so amazing that the universe he spoke into being is still expanding at the speed of light.

Now if that isn’t a God that you want to serve then what more can we ask for Oh yeah redemption well he has done that too.

He sent his Son Jesus to die on a cross to bare your sin and mine, and in exchange for that he gives you

Isaiah 61 verse 2 and 3

To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor

and the day of vengenance of our God

to comfort all who mourn

and those who grieve in zion.

to bestow on them a crown of beauty

instead of ashes

the oil of joy

instead of mourning

and a garmet of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

They will be call mighty oaks a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

I know what it is like to have God’s comfort when I am mourning, to see beauty in amongst the ashes.

Through recent times I have had many things that I thought were stable in my life come crashing down, I didn’t have anywhere to turn except to God, what did he make out of my mess, he is slowly turning it into beauty did I think it was possible in the beginning NO I didn’t but now yes I see he has healed and restored as only he can.

And all along the way He has shown me his extravagant love in all the small mercies and answered prayers and questions I had in my heart. Where would I be today if I hadn’t trusted in a God that I know is good probably still broken and mourning instead of basking in his joy and beauty.

Life sometimes deals us devastating blows that bring our world crashing down, it is what we do with the hurt and pain that determines our outcome. Give your devastation to God and see his healing and love come through.

Marriage is a covenant and it is for Life

Marriage is one of my favourite topics something I am so passionate about because I have been blessed with a best friend and best lover.  But even though I have a great husband life still happens, Struggle still happens, hurt still happens, problems still happen, tough times still happen.

So what do you do with life, the struggles, the hurt – molding two lives together isn’t an easy task and their will always be differences of opinion, different backgrounds, different struggles.

One of the first decision Dan and I made seriously when we were engaged was we would never consider the D word “divorce” and you know what that has been a good decision because sometimes when marriage is tough and that word flies into your mind you smash it like a tennis ball as hard and as fast and as far away from you as you can.

Some tough questions that I came across in a book made me really think, ask yourself these questions?

Have you commited in your heart to never mention divorce as an option?

Have you ever been fighting against each other instead of for each other? (unfortunately I am guilty of this one but I am not going there again, My eyes are open to the attack of the enemy).

When you got married did you understand that the covenant you were making was for life?

Do you grasp the reality now?

I have a confession to make I have been married 10 years this October very proud of that, but all during my married life I have said to Dan if you commit adultery you better repent quick because I will bury you, I have a gun and a shovel they won’t find you.

In my heart that was saying I will stay with you until you do something to big for me to forgive you, well God has dealth me on that one, there is nothing that I have done that God won’t forgive me for, there is nothing Dan can do that God can’t help me forgive him of.  I am blessed to have a husband that loves me and loves God and I can rest in that.

Dan has been faithful to me and I have been faithful to him but I know no matter what lies in our future with God we can conquer it all.

God’s Mercies

God Mercies are new everyday, what joy that brings to my heart. I don’t have to live a perfect life to make God love me He

already loves me. He loved me that much he sent his Son to restore my relationship with God the father.

I don’t have to try my heart out to be good, because none are good but God and he already loves me.

Such freedom in life with a God that loves me for not for what I can do for him or what I should do for him.

It is my love for him that makes me want to be guided by him, makes me want to follow his guidelines for my life.

I want to carry the name of God to the ends of the earth and while I am doing that I want to live the sort of life that demonstrates that my God is real, He not only loves me but He loves every human that ever lived and that will ever live. God’s heart beats for Humanity, not as a mass but for every individual, He see every tear cried and He knows the hairs on every individual head.

We need to see the part we play in God’s plan of redemption is individual, Each person we show love to is important to God every person we choose not to show love to is important to God, lets take the challenge and love our neighbour as ourselves and My God is great enough to do the rest.

God is so amazing – you are the heart beat of GOD – God loves you that much

My God is so huge that he is endless he is multi faceted, we will never understand all of God, we can’t fit him into our box, we can’t manipulate him, we can’t control him and he loves me anyway, I don’t have to be good enough for him to love me he just loves me.

He loves me so much he gave his Holy Spirit to dwell with me always I never have to be alone, he has the answer to every problem right there all I have to do is take time to listen to his still small voice that dwells within me.

I feel like I am falling in love with my saviour all over again, each new facet I learn of God makes me love him more and realise that he loves me more then words can ever express.

My life demonstrates that God is good, all my bad choices that I have turned to God to get out of he has turned around for my good.

No matter where I go I can not run from him, he has his arms out stretched welcoming me home.  The heart beat of God is people, he has created people to share his joy with us if only we turn to him and hear his voice we can shake humanity and turn the tide.

Lets take up the challenge to love our neighbour as ourself and see what God can do with it.

The kingdoms of heaven suffers violence and violent take it by force

Matthew 11.12 Says And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdoms of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.

When we first read that verse we think it sounds very much a male thing but their is the side of a woman that makes us world changer and overcomers the word force here translated mean “to impose one’s way into a thing”.

Before John the Baptist the kingdom of heaven was only viewed lightly through the light of prophecy and now it is preached.

The Holy Spirit lit on Jesus when John the Baptist baptised Jesus and we all know what happened from there the whole world got turned upside down.

People everywhere wanted in on the new thing they crowded in with ardor resembling violence and desperation. They pursued it with abandon and he honored their search. He gave them what he had – THE HOLY SPIRIT – and turned their relationship with God from vague to personal.

Now he seeks that kind of force , resolve, earnestness and determination in you as you move forward into the deeper, more commited, more sold out, more deep-rooted move of the Holy Spirit – even when family and friends don’t want to go with you or oppose you.

I am going to follow God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit with radical abandonment for the rest of my days, I challenge you to do the same.


Every Day is A New Day in GOD

You know what is so awesome about God is that his Mercies are new every day, No matter what you did yesterday you can be forgiven, his love never gives up on you or me. No matter how much life sometimes is challenging their is always hope in Christ.

I just want to spend my days praising God for He has been so good to me. Every direction I turn I see the goodness of God in my life, my life isn’t without it’s challenges but it is how I handle the challenges that makes the difference, over the years I have learnt to trust God with the challenges of life and he always always always comes through.

God cares about every detail in your life nothing is too small to be prayed about, no matter is small to God, if it is important to you it is important to Him.  When we learn to go to God with everything that is when we see him come through in the small and big things.

From finding us great carparks when we need them to healing us both physically and emotionally. Today when I went to church, I had big pains in my stomach and felt very sick, I just stood in church in worship believing God would take the pain away so I could focus on worshipping him, and he did. God is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His return is closer then we think

Hi All

I have started this blog to encourage others to come to Christ, but also to encourage those who are currently the church of Jesus Christ to arise and live as God has called us to live. Salvation cost God more then we will ever realise, we receive the free gift of Salvation and treat it lightly, Salvation is a free gift, but that isn’t where our Journey with God ends it is where our Journey with God begins. We need to change from glory to glory to be more like him, we need to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Christ even if it costs all.

Jesus is coming, he is coming soon, He is coming for a Holy and Blameless bride without out spot or wrinkle, it costs you to be Holy, it costs you to live a life of righteousness, it doesn’t matter what your neighbour is doing, it matters what you are doing. You are answerable to God for your life and how you live it.  We as a church need to unite in one accord and answer the cry of humanity, we have their answer on the inside of us and he is Jesus, let’s take a deep breath and step out in boldness and let Jesus out, let him shine, Arise Awake Church of Christ on the Earth let Jesus out, Let him out of the Box we have held him in. Forgive, Love, Reach Out, don’t be caught off guard for no one knows the day nor the hour.

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